Karl's head and shoulders
6 hours old

Karl Kueppers Pfeifer

Born January 18, 2007 at 3:59 p.m.

9 lb 12 oz (4422 grams), 20.5" (52 cm) long

2/20/2007: 11 lb 10 oz (5273 grams), 22 3/4" (57 3/4 cm)

3/20/2007: 12 lb 14 oz (5840 grams), 24 1/4" (61 1/2 cm)

Karl's old site, from before he was born

Erika sitting with John and Karl
Erika meeting Karl for the first time (26 months; 3 hours)
Erika holding Karl on her lap
Erika holding Karl on her lap (26 months; 6 days)
Sonja carrying Karl in the sling
Karl riding in the sling with mom (6 days)
Karl's face
Karl being cute (9 days)
Karl with Sonja
Karl with Sonja (9 days)
Karl and Erika on red sofa
Karl and Erika (3 weeks, 27 months)
Karl smiling
Karl smiling (3 weeks)
Karl wearing lizard shirt, sitting on sofa
Karl wearing lizard shirt (3 weeks)
Karl looking over John's shoulder
Karl looking over Dad's shoulder (3 weeks)
Karl lying on Grandpa's chest asleep
Karl sleeping with Grandpa (4 weeks)
Karl and Erika sitting on Sonja's lap
On the sofa (5 weeks)
Karl smiling
A lot of smiles lately (6 weeks)
Karl sitting in baby bjorn with john
Getting in on Ticket To Ride (6 weeks)
Karl in the pouch sling with Sonja
Peeking out of the pouch (8 weeks)

Karl's next photos