When providing disposable cameras for guests to use at a wedding, one of the problems is letting the guests know what you expect them to do with the cameras. One solution many people like is to attach a poem to the camera. Here are some examples (I'm always looking for more!):
I'm your camera - so have some fun,
You'll make this album a special one!
Snap away as best you're able,
Then leave me off at the gift table!
Here is a camera
Please use it a lot,
To take pictures of
What the photographer will not.
The flash is required
Because it is night.
If you don't use it,
The snaps won't come out right.
Hold the front switch over
'Til the little light flutters.
You're all ready now!!
So please press the shutter.
The perfect distance
Is four to ten feet.
Any nearer or farther
Will be your defeat.
At the end of the evening
With all film exposed,
Return to the best man,
Who'll develop the photos.
The bride and groom have a request
So put on a big smile
And look your best
When you see some fun
Take the hint
You snap the camera
And we'll make the print!
Take this camera and have some fun
Get some pictures of everyone!
Maybe you'll see something
We didn't see
That we can keep as a memory!
Thank you for sharing
This special day with us.
See this camera sitting here --
It's for your use, we say.
To help us capture memories
On this, our wedding day.
Share the camera among the guests.
Some candid shots please take.
Then leave the camera when you're done.
An album we will make.
You've helped to make our special day
Complete with love and laughter.
Thank you all so very much
For the memories you did capture!
Contributed by "From This Day Forward" Wedding Consultants Carol and Joy
To celebrate this special day,
Pick a camera and really play.
Leave it on the table when you are through,
So Mary and John can develop the pictures taken by you.
This is a very special gift
for Anne and Bob to see.
The Reason it's so special is,
'Cause it's from you and me.
Take a posed or candid snapshot
and when all the film is through,
leave the camera by the door
so they'll have these memories of you.
Contributed by Kathy Maloney
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