Karl climbing a wall
I think I can! (13 months)

Karl Kueppers Pfeifer

Born January 18, 2007 at 3:59 p.m.

9 lb 12 oz (4422 grams), 20.5" (52 cm) long

2/20/2007: 11 lb 10 oz (5273 grams), 22 3/4" (57 3/4 cm)

3/20/2007: 12 lb 14 oz (5840 grams), 24 1/4" (61 1/2 cm)

5/21/2007: 14 lb 3 oz (6435 grams), 25 1/2" (64 3/4 cm)

7/20/2007: 17 lb 7 oz (7920 grams), 26 3/4" (68 cm)

1/22/2008: 23 lb, 30.5"

7/22/2008: 25 lb 11 oz, 32 5/8"

Pictures from Karl's first and second months

Pictures from Karl's third through fifth months

Pictures from Karl's sixth through ninth months

Pictures from Karl's tenth through twelfth months

Snoozing contemplatively
Snoozing contemplatively (13 months)
Can I climb this?
Tiptoes! (13 months)
Rolling the big bolster
Rolling a big bolster at a Gymboree birthday party (14 months)
Mmm, cheese! (14 months)
Karl on top of the mountain
Karl on top of the Mountain (16 months)
Playing with Trains
Playing with Trains (17 months)
Who, me?
Who, me? (17 months)
Ball! (18 months)

Karl's next photos